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Westfield Road

'Warm minimalism': Renovate and extend a tired mid-century semi with flexible interior and fresh architecture.

York Road

Take a very run-down property with limited space and no modern facilities and transform it into a family home for resale noting an efficient budget and achieving good resale value. Add additional bedroom and ensuite space as well as a living room and rear-facing kitchen

Evelyn Road

Phase II of this project for us, we were asked to extend into the side and off the rear as much as planning would allow, then create a light, sleek space for a design-driven client.

Ailsa Road

Create a WOW factor space, add glamour and fun and give the house a street side and garden side, both different.

Whitton Road

To reorganise the internal arrangement throughout the client’s new home, create a large, open plan kitchen and living space off the garden while proposing a unique relationship to the garden which is at the lower level.

Holly Road

The primary aim of this project was to create a space to cook and eat in while repositioning the ground floor bathroom.